Saturday, July 27, 2013

Slug: Jellyfish

  • Loogi: Spits a sticky goo that attaches to anything and is nearly impossible to move.
  • Gagtagger: Masquerades as a dud, but can attach a tracking device to an opponent when its protoform hits.
  • Goo Bear: Spits a very sticky goo that stings an opponent when they try to remove it.
  • Mechasplat: Leaves a sticky goo mat that traps a Mecha-Beast's feet or a vehicles wheels.
  • Slimeleon: Covers a slinger with goo that can change colours to create a disgusting but highly effective camoflauge.
  • Brainburst - The large pouch of goo on it's head bursts, covering the opponent in a disguting green goo.

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